What did you want to be when you were young? Policewoman, Primary school teacher
What was your first full time job? Dental Nurse
What’s in your pockets? Tissues, hand sanitizer, Werthers Originals and dog poo bags.
How do you like to relax? Crochet, gardening and walking (Shows my age!)
What has been the best moment in your career? Starting Tonick Business Publishing with my husband.
What is your favourite film? True Romance, Point Break, Lost Boys and Les Miserables.
What is your favourite book? The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.
If you could invite any two people for dinner, who would they be and why would you invite them? Nanny Daisy and Francois Eyriey…for their wisdom and insight into years gone by.
What was your biggest mistake in life? Not learning from previous mistakes!
What was your luckiest break? Accepting a sales role at a local paper rather than accepting to become a Red Coat at Butlins
What would you like to be doing in five years’ time? Breathing
Describe yourself in three adjectives? Empathic, loyal, bold.